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It beans class 8th chapter more on photoshop cs3

Lesson 7

More on Photoshop CS3

Fill in the blanks:

Adobe Photoshop is basically used for Retouching and EditingPhotographs to make them look attractive.
To increase and decrease the brush size press  [ and    ]      key respectively on the keyboard.
Press Caps Lockkey if you want to see the brush size.
By default foreground color is blackand background color is white.
Color replacementtool replaces the existing color in an image with the foreground color.
Typetool is used to insert text in an image.
There are two types of Viewing tools Handand Zoom tool.
State True of False:

Warping text is used to position the letters or text in different shapes. True
Text tool is used to insert images.       False
A brush can be up to 999 Pixels wide.             True
By default foreground color is white and background color is black.     False
Zoom tool lets you see a magnified view of a picture.  True
Path tool helps in making complex shapes and drawings.        True
Spot Healing Brush tool is used to repair imperfections.          True
Multiple Choice Question:

Which key is pressed on the key board to see the exact size of the brush?
Shift              b. Caps Lock                             c. Ctrl                           [B]
Which key helps us to move the image while the image is zoomed in?
Ctrl Key                    b. Spacebar Key                        c. Shift Key                  [B]
Which tool is used to create a smooth stroke of the foreground color?
Color replacement     b. Path type                              c. Brush                       [C]
Which option is used to position the letters or text to different shapes?
Color replacement   b. Brush                                   c. Create Warped text tool[C]
Which tool is used to move the zoomed picture within the windows?
Hand tool                  b. zoom Tool                            c. Both                         [A]
During Image Adjustments, which option is used to change the intensity of the colors of an image?
Color Setting b. Color Replacement                c. Adjustments             [A]
Application Based Question

Q.1  Ali has designed a greeting card in Photoshop CS3. He wants to change the color of flowers from red to pink. Suggest him the suitable tool, which will perform the above task.

Answer:- Colour Replacement tool.

Q.2. Vikram has inserted an image in a new file. He wants to duplicate the image on the same layer. Suggest him the tool, which will fulfill his requirement.

Answer:- Clone Stamp tool.

Answer the Following:

Q.1. What is the use of Painting Tools? Name any five Painting Tools.

Answer: Painting tools use for Art work and retouching of image

Brush Tool.              2. Pencil Tool                                       3.Color Replacement Tool
History brush tool.                5. Gradient Tool.                                  6 Paint Bucket tool.

Q.2. Differentiate between the Foreground Colour and background color.


Foreground Colour Background Colour
Foreground Colour is used to paint, fill and for stroke selection . Background Colour is used to make gradient fills and fill Colour in erased areas of the images.

Q.3. What is the use of Hue/ Saturation dialog box

Answer:- This powerful tool is used to adjust the hue (colours in the image ) and the saturation ( the intensity of the colours), and also gives you control over the lightness.

Q.4. What is the use of Type Tool? How will you insert text in an image?

Answer:- Five types of tools

PAINTING TOOLS.                          2. RETOUCHING TOOLS
Woarping is used to position the letters or text in different shapes. To use the warp option fellow these steps

* select the type tool from tools palette  co to create warped text tool  select warp text dialog box will appear.

Select style  and size from drop down arrow and OK

5. Explain Warping of Text.
Answer:- Warping is used to position t


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  2. Thank you very much
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  3. Thanks but can I get some extra mcqs on this chapter?

  4. Thanks For sharing Check Out My Healing Brush Tool Website

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