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Lesson 12

Surfing Internet

INTERNET:– (International Network ) The Internet, sometimes called simply “the Net” is a worldwide system of computer network – a network of network sin which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer.

WWW  or W3:- (World Wide Web)  An information system on the internet which allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another.

TCP/IP:-  (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or an extranet).

History of Internet:- In 1969 when man walked on the moon ; U.S. defense department set an Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) for further research . They designed a Network of four computers to exchange and share their data. This Network called ARPANET(Advanced Research Project Agency Network) Later many universities were allowed to join this network and share the information. This was the beginning of  “networking of computers” which grew bigger day by day and gave birth to INTERNET the technology which has radically changed our life.

In India, internet services stared on 15th August 1995 through government owned company VSNL. Private internet service providers like Airtel, Reliance, Tata etc. have also been allowed to provide internet service.

Popular service of the Internet:- The basic purpose of internet is to make our lives better. There any many facilities available on the internet. The WWW is a large computer network where by using a browser such as Netscape, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc. you can surf and get information. The websites are identified by short unique global identifiers is called URLs (Uniform Resource Locator)

Popular service in Internet : E-Commerce, Chatting, (Google Talk, Window live Messenger, Skype) , Video Conferencing, Social Networking sites and E-Banking.

E-Mail:- E-mail stand for Electronic Mail. It is a facility on internet to composed store send and receive messages to any part of the world. E-Mail is the fastest way of sending mails where the postal address details like Name, Address, City etc. the E-mail address is given the format- We can also attach photos videos or other important data.

The popular sites which provide the facility to send or receive mail are,  , etc.


A signature is a bit of personalize text that is automatically inserted at the bottom of every mail.
Founders of Google : Larry Page and Sergey Brin
WWW was developed by Tim Berners Lee in the Year 1991.
Modem:- (Modulate and demodulate)  It a device that connects to your computer with the telephone line. It changes the computer signals so that they can travel through telephone lines and vice versa. . This is the latest search engine from Microsoft.
First Page of website is called Home Page.
Founder of Yahoo:- Jerry Yang and David Filo. (American Computer service company founded on March 2 1995)
Founder of Skype:- Niklas Zennstrom and Janus friis.  (2003)
Father of Internet: Vinton Gray (An American Scientist )
The term Hypertextwas coined by Ted Nelson around 1965.
VoIP: Voice Over Internet Protocol.
Blogger was launched in 1999.

Q.1. Which icon represents an attachment?

Ans. Paper clip.

Q.2. Name an e-card website.


Q.3. we need the recipient’s …… to send him and e-card over the internet.

Ans. E-mail address.

Q.4. Which Technology is used in the computer system to connect to the entire world?

Ans. Internet.

Q.5. Full form of WWW.

Ans. World Wide Web

Q.6. Computer on the Internet communicate with each other using the ……..


Q.7. TCP/IP Stand for?

Ans. Transmission control Protocol/ Internet Protocol.

Q.8. Which alphabetic icon is used to represent internet explorer.

Ans. E (e)

Q.9. What do we call the video cameras that send data in real time to a web server?

Ans. Live Cams

Q.10. What do you call the underlined text the generally has blue color?

Ans. Hyperlink.

Q.11. Where do we find the information about all the mails that we receive?

Ans. Inbox

Q.12. Which Button is pressed after composing an e-mail.

Ans. Sent Button

Q.13. Name an easy to create web site that allows users to share their thoughts with the worlds.

Ans. Blog

Q.14. Where do we type the web address of any website?

Ans. Address bar.

Q.15. Where do we find the ‘connect to Internet’ icon?

Ans. Desktop.

Q.16. Which specil character is a must in the E-Mail address?

Ans. @.

Q.17. Which symbol separates the email address if          we are sending the same mail to many people?

Ans. Comma.

Q.18. What do we call the text which is automatically added to our outgoing mail?

Answer. Signature.

Q.19. How many parts does an E-mail. Consist of ?

Ans. 2

Q.20 .An organization responsible for providing internet Services to Customers is called…….

Ans. ISP

Q.21. What is the process of browsing the various web pages  one after another called?

Ans. Surfing.

22. What is the collection of inter linked web pages known as?
Ans. Website.

Q.23. Tweets are restricted up to ………………… character.

Ans. 140.

Qus 1. What is URL? What is the Use of it?

Answer:- It specifies the internet address of a file stored on a host computer connected to the internet. Every file on the internet, has a unique URL. Web browsers use the URL to retrieve the file from the host computer and the specific directory in which it resides .

Use of URL:- URL will be your identity on the web and it will be used to read and link to your page.

Qus.2.  What is Real time communication?

Answer:- Audio , video and text communication an happen in real time on the web. These capabilities allow people to conference in real time. At its simplest, Chat programs allow multiple users to type to each other in real time.

Qus. 3. Briefly explain the term Skype. Mention any two basic requirements to use this software.

Answer:- Skype is one of the most popular application or Voice-over-internet Protocol  service. It allows you to do instant messaging and make voice and video calls to fellow Skype users on the internet for free.

Basic requirements to use this software.

You must have a high speed internet connection.
You should have speakers or headphones and a microphone.
A webcam is needed if you want to make video call.
A WEB BROWSER is software program that allows users to access the world wide web.
 TheWWW consists of files called web pages , containing links to documents though internet.
TheLINK are the underlined text  on graphical web browser.
CHAT programs allow multiple users to type to each other in real time.
The word blog is derived from the word  WEBLOG
LIVE CAMis a video camera that sends the data in real time to a web server.

One word

A _____________ is a system of two or more computers connected to each other so they can share information and resources. (network)
ARPANET was developed by _________ (U.S. Department of Defence.)
Collection of related webpages is called ___________. (website)
Moving from one webpage to another on the Internet is called. (surfing the net.)

A home page is ___________. (the main page of a website.)
_____________ is also called a web address. (URL)
URL stands for (Uniform Resource Locator)
A connection between two webpages is known as a _____________. (Link)
The language that is used to create a webpage is called _____________.  (HTML)


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